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Author: Sayyid Abbass Noureddine
Illustrator: Tahera Amini
Age: 4-10+ Years Old
Noah (as) tried for many years to guide his people and remind them of the promise of God, that of eternal paradise. However, many of his people ridiculed him, even putting their fingers in their ears so they would not hear the truth! God, the Almighty, gave glad tidings to Noah and epically saved the believers!
Young readers will find this story of the Prophet Noah (as), our second in the series of the Prophets, thought-provoking and insightful with many lessons to ponder over. The magnificent illustrations and direct quotes from the Holy Quran will ensure engagement for all ages!
The second in a 6 part series on the lives of the great Prophets- Brilliantly illustrated and engaging for all ages!
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al-Burāq Publications Completed Publications
I found that the stories were partial and missing critical parts and contained in some cases statements in my opinion can be labeled as conspiracy type theories and irrelevant connection to todays politics not suitable for little kids.
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