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Heighten the Mind
al-Burāq Publications Completed Publications
This book really makes you appreciate the strivings and efforts of all of our Imams. Due to the efforts of the Ahlulbayt, we are able to practice Islam in the way that we do today. Had it been otherwise, our beloved religion would have surely been distorted by the enemies and tyrants of today and the past. The book highlights how each Imam took the best course of action depending on the social and political circumstances of their time to ensure that this religion is preserved and continued, whether it be Imam Ali (AS) or Imam Jawad (AS). My only criticism of this book is that there are a few sentences throughout the book that are too long and really hard to follow up with (some long enough to make their own paragraph). There were also a few sentences that were grammatically incorrect. Although this is not a big deal, it does however hamper your reading flow when coming across them. But in the end, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that hasn’t read it.