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Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Shi'i Studies (2016)-al-Burāq

List of articles:
1. The Mad Muslim Mob: De/Mythologising Shi‘i Iran in V. S. Naipaul’s ‘Islamic’ Travelogues
Hossein Nazari
2. The Disenchantment of Reason: An Anti-Rational Trend in Modern Shi‘i Thought – The Tafkīkīs
Ali Paya
3. Philosophy in Islam: The Concept of Shi‘ism as a Philosophical
Oliver Leaman
4. Reading More Than Persepolis
Mersedeh Dad Mohammadi
5. Iranian Women: Between Tradition and Modernity
Sarah Scio’
6. A Comparative Study of Islamic Feminist and Traditional Shi‘i Approaches to Qurʾanic Exegesis
Mohammed Ali Ismail
7. The Role of Custom in Shaping Islamic Law
Liyakat Takim
8. A Study Examining Iraqi Immigrants: Has the Shi‘a-Sunni Conflict Been Transferred To Ottawa, Canada?
Jafar Ahmad
9. Shi‘a Processions and the Competition for Religious Public Space in Northern Nigeria 1980–2015
Sani Yakubu Adam
10. Sunni Literary Responses to the Spread of Shi‘a Ideology in Northern Nigeria
Kabiru Haruna Isa
11. The Twelver/Imāmī Manuscript Collection in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana/Milano: Remarks on Kitāb Ghurar al-Fawāʾid by al-Sharīf al-Murtaḍā – MS.1665 (H 43)
Ali Faraj
12. Shi‘a Narrations about Creation from Two Types of Clay (Ṭīnah)
Morteza Karimi

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