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His devoted followers are waiting for the Living Im_m (Ôatfs) as waiting for his advent is considered one of the highest forms of worship. From their viewpoint of history, the world will certainly witness the government of justice of the Im_m of the Time and tyrannical systems will cease to exist.
While holding such a viewpoint of history, these questions are inevitably posed:
What will be the circumstance surrounding the Mahd_Õs uprising? How will the Im_m eliminate the various political systemsÑhaving different views and capabilitiesÑand establish a unified global system? How will his administrative system and program operate in which there will be no oppression and tyranny, corruption, and starvation in the world?
In An Overview of the Mahd_Õs Government, the esteemed author deals with an issue that is rarely discussed in the study of Im_m al-Mahd_. He delves into the manner of the Im_mÕs uprising, government system, and method of rule.
About the Author His Eminence _yatull_h Shaykh Najmudd_n _abas_, son of _yatull_h __jj Shaykh Mu_ammad Ri__ _abas_, was born in 1334 AHS at Najaf al-Ashraf, Iraq and began his studies in the religious sciences with his father. Thereafter, he continued his studies in the Islamic Seminary of Qum, Iran. He is presently teaching intermediate [sa__] and advanced [kh_rij] level courses in jurisprudence and its principles [fiqh wa u__l], rij_l, exegesis, and Islamic doctrines. He also wrote a number of books some of which are (1) Maw_rid as-Sajan f_Õn-Nu___ waÕl-Fat_w_, (2) An-Nafyi waÕt-Taghr_b f_ Ma__dir at-Tashr_Ô al-Isl_m_, (3) Dir_s_t Fiqhiyyah f_ Mas_Õil Khil_fiyyah, and (4) MaÔ_lim _uk_mah al-Im_m al-Mahd_ (Ôatfs).
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