1. Imam Ali s mystical knowledge ( ilm al-ghayb) 2. Imam Ali s invulnerable knowledge and finding stability 3. Different high sciences that have been manifested from Imam Ali 4. Imam Ali is quite aware of the knowledge of the Torah and Bible, and he has stated: Do ask me before losing me! In addition, it includes: 1. The necessity and importance of writing the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet 2. The Caliphs prevented the hadiths of the Prophet from being written 3. By the Quran being with us, the sunnat of the prophet is necessary, and along with the sunnat, the Imam is still needed 4. Extensive discussion about the belief of the Shi a and the narrations of the greatest scholars that there is not the smallest change or alteration in the text of the Quran 5. Great and worthy discussions of All mah ab ab , about the Quran being immune from any change and alteration, and his answers to those who believe alterations in the Quran have occurred 6. A glance at the school of the specialist in narration, and many others.