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List of Articles:1. Philosophy and Shi‘ism: Two Sides of the Same CoinOliver Leaman2. The Ṣāliḥiyyah School in Qazvīn and Shi‘i Religious Authority, with an Emphasis on Scholars from the Baraghānī FamilyIsa Jahangir3. Marjaʿiyyah from Below: Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religious AuthorityThomas Fibiger4. For the Love of Ahl al-Bayt: Transcending Sunni-Shi‘i Sectarian AllegianceSiti Sarah Muwahidah5. Right to Offense, Right to Shiaphobia: A Rhetorical Analysis of Yasir Qadhi’s Framings of OffenseShereen Yousuf6. The Study of Shi‘i Islam in Western AcademiaLiyakat Takim
al-Burāq Publications Completed Publications
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